Friday 15 July 2011

The Smallest Aquarium

Russian miniaturist Anatoly Konenko engaged
 microminiature art for three decades.
He came up with its own technology
letters on rice, poppy seed, as well as
 human hair, and has recently created the
world's smallest aquarium with live fish.
This tiny tank is made of fiberglass on the  
bottom rising living algae, and fish in it too,
 very real - 5 danio rerio juveniles, whose
 size does not exceed 4 mm.
Volume mikrorezervuara - 10 ml.
That is 2 teaspoons. 06 more images after the break...


Marine camouflage

Marine camouflage:

these colourful underwater

creatures are masters of disguise

A coleman's shrimp camouflaged among spines of a poisonous fire sea urchin in Indonesia
These underwater creatures are masters of deception
so cleverly adapted to their environment that many
would never be found without expert knowledge.
Brandon Cole, a photographer from Washington
state on the west coast of the US, uses his
 expertise as a marine biologist to hunt for
 the almost invisible animals.
A Coleman's shrimp camouflaged among
spines of a poisonous fire sea urchin in Indonesia

A ridged egg cowrie snail hidden among soft coral in Indonesia
"My pictures show hidden marine life blending
into the background of the reef or seabed,"
said Brandon. "They're hard to find - you don't
see them straight away. Sometimes you happen
 upon them - but many of them require a search
 pattern. For example when hunting a cowrie
snail on a soft coral you have to know it lives in
association with that particular coral. So you look
for the host and then look for a needle in a
hay stack - but you have to know which hay
 stacks to look for first."
A ridged egg cowrie snail hidden among soft coral in Indonesia

A leafy sea dragon in South Australia
Brandon explains why these creatures take such
 trouble to remain hidden. "It has to do with
survival," he said. "They adapt to their
environment through natural selection.
Most of these animals are camouflaged
 against the background of their natural
habitat. This increases their odds of
survival so they are less likely to be f
ound by predators. Many are small and
 defenceless so rely on this trick to survive."
A leafy sea dragon in South Australia

A double-ended pipefish among sea grasses in Indonesia
The double-ended pipe fish not only looks like
 the sea grass it lives within but also mimics
the swaying motion of the grass as it is moved
by sea currents.
A double-ended pipefish among sea grasses in Indonesia

A bearded scorpionfish hides in a coral garden in Indonesia
Brandon has travelled the world to capture
his pictures, and says: "I think a great place
to go to see mimicry in action is Lembeh Strait
in Sulawesi, Indonesia. It's an especially
critter rich habitat where lots of camouflage is present."
A bearded scorpionfish hides in a coral garden in Indonesia

A bearded scorpionfish camouflaged against a reef in Thailand
Another bearded scorpionfish camouflaged against a reef in Thailand

A harlequin crab on a sea cucumber in Indonesia
A harlequin crab on a sea cucumber in Indonesia

A peacock flounder camouflaged on sand in Dominica
A peacock flounder camouflaged on sand in Dominica

A hairy frogfish in Indonesia
A hairy frogfish in Indonesia

An octopus camouflaged against sand near a sea grass bed in a shallow bay in Australia
An octopus camouflaged against sand near a
 sea grass bed in a shallow bay in Australia

A devil scorpionfish well camouflaged in Hawaii
A devil scorpionfish well camouflaged in Hawaii

A speckled sanddab in California
A speckled sanddab in California

A crocodilefish in Indonesia
A crocodilefish in Indonesia

A crinoid squat lobster which matches the colour of its host crinoid (feather star) in Thailand